Goodbye, 2013

Wow! What a year. It’s hard to believe how fast it came and went. Here are the highlights of my 2013:

Motherhood: Jacquelyn was born last year but 2013 was my first full year as a mother. Being her mama is the best gift I have ever been graced with. The lessons I have learned this year have been many — lessons in faith, love, hope, patience, understanding and miracles. All shown to me by a tiny being who thinks I am the most wonderful person in the world, whose eyes light up when she sees me. I hope someday she will know how brilliantly she lights up my life and that I am eternally in her debt for all she has taught me and the person she has made me become in the course of a year – 2013.

Marriage: Earlier this year the foundation of my (almost 3 year) marriage was rocked to it’s core. My husband and I faced a crossroad and we were on the brink of continuing down separate paths. It is painful to type that because it was very real and terrifying. But I consider it a highlight because it didn’t happen and nothing can compare to the moment of enlightenment that comes to you when you realize that that you are loved, and needed and in the exact place where you should be. In 2013 I realized that that place is by my husband’s side, living the life we have created together.

This Blog: I started this blog because I love to write, I always have. In first grade I won a writing contest with my submission of a story about bears. In high school I was on the yearbook committee and newspaper staff, same for college. My adult life has been filled with a career where writing earned me a paycheck but I happily left my career behind to be a stay-at-home mom. But I still have the itch and that coupled with my penchant to over share everything has led me here. Starting a blog was actually one of my 2013 resolutions. So of course, it’s here as a highlight of my year. Yay Baby has introduced me to new friends and new ideas and keeps my creative juices flowing. I have much planned for this blog and I can’t wait to dive in deeper. It’s fun. Thank you for being here to read it.

Cheers to a wonderful year – full of lessons, love, hardships, triumphs, friends, and beginnings.

Welcome, 2014, may your blessings be plentiful to all.

Be safe. Be happy.

Cough, Cough, Sniffle


I’m sad because my daddy was sick on Christmas and my nose is runny!

I have been such a lazy blogger lately. And I seriously feel guilty about it. We’ll just chalk my lull in posting to the hectic holidays and a sick husband.

Poor guy went to urgent care on Christmas Eve – bronchitis – YUCK! Jax got pretty sniffly too, but it hasn’t escalated into much more than a runny nose. She is such a trooper! I managed to steer clear of the sickies! Hooray!

Here is a quick DIY “recipe” for natural vapor rub to soothe congestion without slathering on that petroleum based gunk. Good for babies, kids and adults alike!

DIY All-Natural Vapor Rub

1/2 Cup Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil
20 Drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
20 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

Mix it all together in a clean glass container with a lid. Rub on the chest and breathe in deeply. Instand relief from cruddy congestion.

The eucalyptus and peppermint help clear the sinuses and the lavender has a calming effect. Plus, the coconut oil is super moisturizing and nourishing to the skin!

Is it Really Christmas Tomorrow?


Luckily the photographer snapped a shot a split second before the full fledged fit started.

How is it possibly Christmas already? I just started my Christmas shopping on last Friday and wrapped it up today. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

I also waited until today to take Miss Jacquelyn to see Santa. Daddy and I actually took her on Sunday evening but the line was outrageous and I was pretty sure Jax (or me) wouldn’t be able to handle the two hour wait. So today I ventured out with her solo to see the big guy. I taught her to say “ho, ho, ho!,”dressed her up in her holiday finery and hoped for a shorter line.

We were in luck! The wait was only about 45 minutes and when Jax saw Santa she got the biggest smile on her face. She walked right up and said “ho, ho!” and jabbered her sweet nonsense to him. I was positive she was ready for his lap!


The moment I plopped her down she lost it. Her body went rigid, her back arched and she let out the most horrific shriek I have ever heard her make. Then she started grunting/growling, she even had some drool on her chin. She was not having Santa. When I picked her up she immediately went silent, her huge smile came back and in her sweetest chirp she said “bye” to him with a cute little waive.

Wow! Talk about bi-polar.

Everyone nearby in line got a kick out of her immediate change in demeanor and started laughing. This of course thrilled her so she hammed it up even more with silly giggles, waves and salutations of “hi,” “bye,” and “ho, ho, ho” to the crowd.

My child.

Healthy “Egg Nog” Smoothie


Check out this recipe I contributed as a member of the Hot Mom Squad for Spa Week Daily. Healthy doesn’t come to mine when you think egg nog and for many the season just isn’t the same without it.

Personally, I am not the biggest fan of ‘nog, it’s just too thick and sweet for my liking. So I came up with this healthy, lighter version and find I it quite pleasing. You can feel free to adjust the nutmeg and cinnamon to your preference and maybe even add a little ginger for extra sweet warmth.

The almond milk has awesome nutritional value and the addition of Greek yogurt gives this treat a boost of protein! Omit the eggs and sub soy yogurt for a vegan version!


Healthy Holiday Eggnog Smoothie


  • 4 Cups of Vanilla Almond Milk, Unsweetened
  • 1/3 Cup Organic Agave Nectar
  • 3 Egg Whites
  • 2 ½ Tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tsp. Ground Nutmeg
  • 1 Tsp. Ground Cinnamon
  • 2 6 Ounce Containers of Honey or Vanilla Flavored Greek Yogurt
  • Handful of ice

Click here to read how to blend into a guilt-free taste of the season!