Diva’s Day Out

Image This is not the right shade of burgundy! Are they kidding me with these things?

Image Ooh, I’m lovin’ the silver and gold. Metallics are so in!

ImageMom, your paparazzi tendencies are really starting to get on my nerves. Can’t I shop in peace?

ImageDon’t they have anything bigger?! Seriously, people I have lots of stuff, the purse needs to be at least twice my size.

Image What?! These aren’t Prada? Balenciaga? Chanel? No? I’m outta here!

Our Shining Star


Plans fell through for both daddy and I tonight so we made a last minute decision to go out to dinner. Jax’s recent displays of explosive toddler “emotions”…aka tantrums, have left us pretty reluctant to leave the house with her. Due to the late notice we decided to take her with us instead of pawning her off on GG.

I assured my husband she would be fine but I was pretty sure we’d be leaving mid-meal with our food to go and a wailing baby. I should never underestimate the awesomeness that is Jacquelyn.

I don’t mean to brag, but…

My Jax shined like a diamond. We had her out well past her quiet time (the hour before we start her bath/bedtime routine) but she amazed us and awed all those in our general vicinity.

Instead of impatient grunts we were treated to squeals of delight. There were no cries and flailing arms only laughter and happy waves to everyone she saw.

What a charmer.

I think we got the hostess in trouble because she was so enamored with Miss Jax she ignored her duties to sit at our table and fawn over our child. She begged us for the opportunity to babysit and she was so great with Jax we just might consider it.

Is that weird?

Waitresses from other stations came to see our happy girl and even the young busboys made stops to give her high fives.

I love to see my tootsie happy and tonight she was pure sunshine.

On our way out Jax stole the heart of yet another random stranger. The woman was quite taken with Jax. Her kind words about our baby girl were heart warming and sweet and assured us we are doing something right to have such a happy, outgoing child.

Yay, Team Fuchs!

Daddy and I left the restaurant in shock at how well our daughter had behaved. Both of us marveled at how much positive attention she commanded. We were beaming with pride and excitement.

Our girl. How lucky are we to have her.

GG’s Elvis Birthday Party

My mama is a big ol’ fan of Elvis Presley so a birthday celebration inspired by The King of Rock-and-Roll was in order.

I am super proud of myself for pulling this celebration off. The party fell the week when my wrist was all jacked-up and Jax and daddy were sick. I had done zero shopping for the decor and we really had to improvise with what we had. I spent the entire day before cleaning and cooking up a storm. So at midnight the night before I was in a bit of panic-mode.

I had the idea to print off a few pictures of Elvis to tape on the walls and then my super resourceful musician husband started tearing apart his office to lend some flare to the celebratory cause.

Everything tied together perfectly and my mom loved was pleased as punch with her party. Take a look.

ImageWe swapped the usual artwork that hangs in our entryway for a painting of a guitar taken from my husband’s office. A custom, vintage-inspired amp and headphones from his music studio enhanced theme to a tee.

Image I made “vinyl records” out of disposable, black plastic serving plates (use your imagination).

ImageI have said it before and I will say it again – if you do any entertaining in your home a chalkboard is a MUST! This one was a few dollars at Hobby Lobby and it’s gotten a ton of mileage. See it used at other gatherings here and here.

ImageQuickie decor: photos of EP printed from the web and taped up on the cabinets.

ImageAnd the fridge.

ImageAnother “vintage-inspired” piece we had on hand that fit the theme perfectly. This is actually an iPad dock that looks like an old fashioned radio. It spruced up the buffet nicely.

ImageI chose black paper plates and bowls to mimic records.

ImageThis “Recording” sign lights up and cast a nice glow over the buffet. It was a gift from me to my husband years ago for his recording studio. I found it at www.pbteen.com (but I don’t think they carry it anymore).

ImageMy husband lent his guitar case for placement on the cake table. Another printed pic of The King rounded it out perfectly.

ImageA sweet ending. I ordered the cake from the bakery at Super Target. Seriously peeps, if you are on a budget and have a Super Target close by, order your cakes from them. They are very good and budget-friendly – under $20 for a custom-designed, moist, filled, delicious 1/4 sheet cake. I am a sucker for gourmet, beautifully decorated (and expensive) cupcakes that can be piled onto a centerpiece tower but when it comes to more bang for your sweet-tooth buck…Super Target’s bakery really takes the cake!

And on that cheesey note…

It’s “Now or Never”….

I’m signing off.